Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Halfway Already

I have been meaning to keep a running log of this pregnancy since it seems like a miracle. After all of our trials and tribulations I feel it's important. But with the new move and school it has been difficult keeping up with the changes from within my tummy from week to week. So far it has been an experience to remember! The baby has been growing a lot and, according to the doctors, right on target. We are at the halfway mark already (20 weeks). According to all the baby books and websites I should be rapidly expanding right about now. I guess I don't look too pregnant right now but I feel it. I have a bulging tummy that seems to get in the way of everything from tying my shoes to picking up my keys that I dropped on the floor. The other night I woke up in screaming agony as I experienced my first leg cramp. I keep saying, if that is what a contraction feels like I need to be drugged up. My leg hurt so bad Keith was trying to massage it in the dark to relieve some of the pain but I couldn't stay still long enough for him to catch it.

Last week we went to a shoddy looking place that our doctor referred us to to get our 20 week anatomy scan. From all the stories we had heard about the anatomy scan we were super excited. We heard that they would sit there and tell us everything they were doing and count the toes and make sure everything was in its proper place. Well, I guess they did do that but it was more for their own records rather than our enjoyment. I felt like a lab rat. On top of that they repeatedly delved into the subject of me losing 3 pregnancies prior to this one. I was like a case study to them. It made me feel rather embarrassed. I guess they were just trying to make sure that everything was ok but really... even the receptionist blabbed it aloud so everyone in the waiting room could hear it. The place really looked like a clinic for people without insurance and it looked like it belonged in Tijuana instead of Northern CA. Regardless of the place the doctors finally determined the sex of the baby... IT'S A GIRL! Keith and I were so excited to hear that. We would be happy if the baby was just healthy but a girl seems to put our lives into perspective. We are super excited and plan to deck her room out in lavender. I am convinced nothing is good enough for my little girl so I am having a difficult time finding a name I thin
k is worthy of her.

Since I have been so slack in keeping a diary of everything I will post some pictures of our little angel from her earlier